gods | counter picks | |
Achilles | Cu Chulainn | Scylla |
Agni | Ao Kuang | He bo |
Ah Muzen Cab | Apollo | Cupid |
Ah Puch | Bastet | Susano |
Amaterasu | Chaac | Guan Yu |
Anhur | Awilix | He bo |
Anubis | Achilles | Cu Chulainn |
Ao Kuang | Morgan Le Fay | Arachne |
Aphrodite | Bacchus | Medusa |
Apollo | Bellona | Nemesis |
Arachne | Anubis | Bellona |
Ares | Hel | Ymir |
Artemis | Anhur | Bakasura |
Artio | Ares | Hun Batz |
Athena | Kumbhakarna | Erlang Shen |
Atlas | Ares | Nox |
Awilix | Ymir | Artio |
Baba Yaga | Anubis | King Arthur |
Bacchus | Kali | |
Bakasura | Kali | He bo |
Baron Samedi | Poseidon | Zeus |
Bastet | Awilix | Nox |
Bellona | King Arthur | Agni |
Cabrakan | Kali | Pele |
Cerberus | Jormungandr | King Arthur |
Cernunnos | Fafnir | |
Chaac | Odin | Osiris |
Chang’e | Cu Chulainn | Gilgamesh |
Charybdis | Anubis | |
Chernobog | Nox | Baron Samedi |
Chiron | Artio | Hou |
Chronos | Poseidon | Zeus |
Cliodhna | Hades | Ao Kuang |
Cthulhu | Achilles | Kumbhakarna |
Cu Chulainn | Tyr | Ao Kuang |
Cupid | Arachne | |
Da Ji | Hel | Arachne |
Danzaburou | Hachiman | Apollo |
Discordia | Awilix | Pele |
Erlang Shen | Amaterasu | Cu Chulainn |
Eset | Cu Chulainn | Gilgamesh |
Fafnir | Jing Wei | |
Fenrir | Ares | Awilix |
Freya | Neith | Thor |
Ganesha | Bacchus | Cabrakan |
Geb | Yemoja | Apollo |
Gilgamesh | Gilgamesh | Hou Yi |
Guan Yu | Cabrakan | Cthulhu |
Hachiman | Anhur | Arachne |
Hades | Zeus | Anubis |
He Bo | Bakasura | Janus |
Heimdallr | Arachne | |
Hel | Agni | Cu Chulainn |
Hera | Agni | Bakasura |
Hercules | Chaac | |
Horus | Ares | King Arthur |
Hou Yi | Cupid | Hachiman |
Hun Batz | Da Ji | He bo |
Ishtar | Artemis | Anhur |
Izanami | Jing Wei | Thanatos |
Janus | Agni | Kukulkan |
Jing Wei | Hou Yi | Chernobog |
Jormungandr | Anhur | Skadi |
Kali | Ares | Athena |
Khepri | Achilles | Ao Kuang |
King Arthur | Achilles | Amaterasu |
Kukulkan | Anubis | |
Kumbhakarna | Chiron | Khepri |
Kuzenbo | Kumbhakarna | Artio |
Lancelot | Ymir | Fafnir |
Loki | Heimdallr | Kumbhakarna |
Martichoras | Kuzenbo | Scylla |
Maui | Ares | Anhur |
Medusa | Ares | Artemis |
Mercury | Arachne | |
Merlin | Ares | Athena |
Morgan Le Fay | Anubis | Loki |
Mulan | Achilles | Amaterasu |
Ne Zha | Amaterasu | Baron Samedi |
Neith | Nox | Poseidon |
Nemesis | Arachne | Set |
Nike | Chaac | Erlang Shen |
Nox | Persephone | Baron Samedi |
Nu Wa | The Morrigan | Hades |
Odin | King Arthur | Cu Chulainn |
Olorun | Chronos | Danzaburou |
Osiris | Bacchus | Baron Samedi |
Pele | Erlang Shen | Bellona |
Persephone | Fenrir | Cabrakan |
Poseidon | Arachne | Kali |
Ra | Ymir | Thanatos |
Raijin | The Morrigan | Thor |
Rama | Apollo | Cupid |
Ratatoskr | Kumbhakarna | Freya |
Ravana | Erlang Shen | Cabrakan |
Scylla | Ares | Athena |
Serqet | Susano | Fenrir |
Set | Ao Kuang | Hades |
Shiva | Osiris | Xing Tian |
Skadi | Cupid | Izanami |
Sobek | Artio | King Arthur |
Sol | Kumbhakarna | Kuzenbo |
Sun Wukong | Mulan | King Arthur |
Surtr | Hercules | Bellona |
Susano | Ares | Artio |
Sylvanus | Cerberus | Hercules |
Terra | Ganesha | |
Thanatos | Anhur | Anubis |
The Morrigan | Anubis | He bo |
Thor | Ao Kuang | Bakasura |
Thoth | Nox | Ratatoskr |
Tiamat | Set | Ao Kuang |
Tsukuyomi | Kumbhakarna | Nox |
Tyr | King Arthur | Cu Chulainn |
Ullr | Anubis | Chaac |
Vamana | Bacchus | Bakasura |
Vulcan | Janus | |
Xbalanque | Apollo | Cernunnos |
Xing Tian | Ares | Hades |
Yemoja | Sylvanus | Terra |
Ymir | Artio | Athena |
Yu Huang | Susano | Loki |
Zeus | Ao Kuang | Arachne |
Zhong Kui | Cerberus |

Smite: Mastering Counter Picks for Optimal Gameplay
Are you an avid player of the popular online multiplayer video game, Smite? If so, you’re likely aware that selecting the right characters can significantly impact your gameplay. One crucial aspect of strategic character selection is understanding counter picks. In this article, we will delve into the world of counter picks in Smite and explore why certain characters excel as counters to specific gods. By mastering counter picks, you can gain a competitive edge and climb the ranks in Smite!
Understanding Counter Picks
In Smite, counter picking refers to the strategic selection of characters that possess abilities or attributes that can effectively neutralize or exploit the strengths and weaknesses of opposing gods. By choosing the right counter picks, you can maximize your chances of outplaying your opponents and securing victory.
Let’s explore a few examples of strong counter picks in Smite:
Nemesis vs. Hercules
Hercules, known for his incredible durability and crowd control abilities, can be a formidable opponent on the battlefield. However, when facing Hercules, Nemesis emerges as an excellent counter pick. Nemesis possesses abilities that specifically counter Hercules’ strengths. Her ultimate ability, “Divine Judgement,” allows her to strip away a portion of Hercules’ protections, rendering him vulnerable and reducing his survivability. Additionally, her “Slice and Dice” ability inflicts percentage-based damage, making it particularly effective against Hercules’ high health pool.
Ra vs. Loki
Loki, the trickster assassin, is notorious for his ability to stealthily assassinate unsuspecting targets. However, Ra, the solar sentinel, serves as an exceptional counter pick against Loki’s sneaky tactics. Ra’s “Celestial Beam” ability reveals stealthed enemies, effectively nullifying Loki’s primary advantage. Moreover, Ra’s “Divine Light” ability slows enemies, making it easier to land skill shots and thwart Loki’s attempts to escape. With these abilities at his disposal, Ra can keep Loki on his toes and minimize his effectiveness in the battlefield.
Athena vs. Poseidon
Poseidon, the god of the sea, wields immense magical power and excels at controlling the battlefield with his area-of-effect abilities. To counter Poseidon’s dominance, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, becomes an ideal choice. Athena’s “Confound” ability allows her to interrupt and silence enemies, preventing Poseidon from unleashing devastating abilities. Furthermore, her “Preemptive Strike” ability grants her the mobility required to close the gap and engage Poseidon effectively, denying him the opportunity to safely position himself for devastating ultimates.
In the world of Smite, counter picks play a crucial role in determining the outcome of battles. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of various gods and selecting the appropriate counter picks can give you a significant advantage in gameplay. We explored a few examples of effective counter picks, including Nemesis countering Hercules, Ra countering Loki, and Athena countering Poseidon.
Remember, mastering counter picks requires extensive knowledge of each character’s abilities, playstyle, and matchups. It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest patches and balance changes to ensure your counter pick choices remain optimal. By honing your skills in counter picking, you can elevate your gameplay and achieve success in the ever-competitive world of Smite. So, choose your characters wisely, strategize meticulously, and embark on your journey to victory in Smite!